
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Reaver issue - Failed to associate with essid

                              There are several reasons why the reaver is not able to attack the routers.....

                    Take some measures below to fix this issue

1) Give command .. wash -i mon0 .. to see that if the Network is having WPS enabled which you are trying to brute force using reaver ... If the network is listed below then the wps is enabled on it..  See the below image 

Note= Reaver will only work on WPS enabled Networks

   reaver command= reaver -i mon0 -b 11:22:33:44:55:66 -vv -c 6

2) Check if your wireless card is in monitor mode by giving command .. iwconfig

Here mode is Managed and you need to go into Monitor mode to make reaver work

3) The channel should also be right one , which is being used in reaver command  

4) Range of the target Network should also be good enough

5) if nothing works you should also try to change your mac address..May be the targeted Network has blocked your mac address .. See below how to 

 for help type= macchanger --help

Feel Free 2 Ask any question


  1. seems helpful. I'll tell you after a try

  2. Replies
    1. iN Backtrack terminal type. - airmon-ng start wlan0

  3. hi, is that error related also to the wireless card which unable to perform package injection? if upgrading the driver firmware, will it help? i am using intel centrino wireless N-1000. thank you

    1. Your card is capable of injecting package .. i dont think upgrading driver will help. u just test another wifi network .. if still no luck. change the wifi adapter. GooD LucK :D

  4. I tried all those
    Still failed to associate

  5. still getting issue ... i tried all the above mentioned but it says waiting for beacon from bssid
    then failed to asociate with bssid.. please help me
    i m new to kali...

  6. I'm having a similar problem, I'm conviced it has somethign to do with Kali and not the AP or network afapter because I have 3 adapters that use the rt18187 driver and 1 that uses the rt18723be drivers and they worked flawlessly for a while then stopped, and then when I ended up dusting off my linux box after being in storage seeing that the HDD was corrupted and reinstalling Kali it worked no problem for a while now same problem again.

  7. same problem here using awus036nh
